
Monday Sep 11, 2006
EMPA#0010: Pluto's Plight - A Leo Plot Revealed
Monday Sep 11, 2006
Monday Sep 11, 2006
Carmen & Lucky explore the astrological implications of Pluto's demotion from a planet to a rock. A Leo plot to rule the solar system is revealed. A rune reading PLUS a tarot reading, and lots of listener emails. Wheee!!!
Email us and tell us your thoughts on Pluto--if you're into that sort of thing--or whatevs else ya feel like sharing: eatmypaganass@gmail.com.
Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.com
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss
Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992
Join our Livejournal Community: http://eatmypaganass.livejournal.com

Thursday Jul 27, 2006
EMPA#0009: Badass Pagan Theater Premier!
Thursday Jul 27, 2006
Thursday Jul 27, 2006
we broadcast the first ever installment of "Badass Pagan Theater," in which we mock christian creation theory and the story of Noah's Ark; we ponder the neverending rain; lock horns with an ornery Wiccan highpriestess (or so she claims to be); and answer listener e-mails galore!!! Major Update: this episode contains follow-along art that you can view in your iPod video window or iTunes album artwork & video viewer. It appears that the opening credits are a bit too complex for an iPhone to play, so there's some lag unfortunately. You can watch how it is SUPPOSED to work by viewing it in iTunes or on our Web site: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.com/2006/07/27/eat-my-pagan-ss-0009-badass-pagan-theater-premier/ NOTE: if you downloaded this episode when it originally aired in 2006, the original episode did not have the art.
This episode originally broadcast July 27, 2006; re-broadcast with added art content October 31, 2009.Email us and tell us what myths (from paganism, christianity, or anything else) you'd like to see Carmen and Lucky re-enact: eatmypaganass@gmail.com. Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992 Join our Livejournal Community: http://eatmypaganass.livejournal.com

Sunday Jul 16, 2006
EMPA#0008: Magic Mushroom Head Circumcision in Mercury Retrograde
Sunday Jul 16, 2006
Sunday Jul 16, 2006
Carmen and the astrologically afflicted Leo, Prince Lucky, discuss the implications of Mercury retrograde and its impact on genital mutilation: to cut, or not to cut? Much discussion of man bits and hallucinogens, but not in that order! Astrology galore and reader emails...YAY!!!
Email us and tell us about YOUR astrological chart: does it fit your life, or does it make no sense at all? What do you like best about your Sun sign? What do you like the least? And who is better in bed? Leos, or Scorpios? Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992 Join our Livejournal Community: http://eatmypaganass.livejournal.com

Wednesday Jun 21, 2006
EMPA#0007: Born again pagans in the Age of Aquarius
Wednesday Jun 21, 2006
Wednesday Jun 21, 2006
Carmen & Lucky continue their conversation from episode 6, and tell us more about how they came into paganism. They give the 411 on groups, talk about being a witch in the workplace, how to avoid shady tarot readers, how to deal with Born Again Pagans, and following your bliss. BLESSED MIDSUMMER, ALL!!
Email us and tell us your story about how YOU came into paganism. Have you ever been part of a coven? What was/is the experience like for you? And if you know any Born Again Pagans, we wanna know about it. Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992 Join our Livejournal Community: http://eatmypaganass.livejournal.com

Tuesday Jun 13, 2006
EMPA#0006: The DEVIL! 666, Affirmative Action Saints, Jehova (Witness!)
Tuesday Jun 13, 2006
Tuesday Jun 13, 2006
Carmen & Lucky take on their fears -- of heights, heroin junkies, Jehova's rapture, and the return of the beast. 666! George Bush receives a spontaneous regression and his inner naughty child receives a spanking from Carmen & Lucky. This is one of our favorite episodes!!
Email us and give us your praise, criticism, feedback, dirty pictures, WHATEVAH! Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992 Join our Livejournal Community: http://eatmypaganass.livejournal.com