
Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
EMPA#0029: Anger Management & Broom Closets
Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
In this episode of Eat My Pagan Ass pagan podcast, Carmen Kickass lashes back at Grannylicious (aka Voldegranny), but short of starting a witch war proceeds with caution because she's truly scared of the evil that Granny can do (and has done), least of all the murder of Carmen's beloved parakeet Paco (R.I.P.)! Lucky doesn't want to get caught in the crossfire and changes the subject to more fun topics, like Sex and Beltane and Maypoles (ahem). But first -- the Vatican is at it again, deflecting responsibility for its sex abuse scandals by blaming homosexuality instead of its unnatural policy of priestly celibacy. Nice try, lump heads. Carmen and Lucky respond to TONS of listener emails about coming out of the broom closet, Project Pagan Enough, high priestesses who can't get over themselves, and more candle magic.
Featured Pagan Blog: Project Pagan Enough
Featured Musical Artist: Ocean Lab - Siren Song - I Am What I Am
Episode 29 recorded April 17, 2010, New York City
Email us with your Beltane stories and pictures: eatmypaganass@gmail.com. Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992 |

Friday Apr 09, 2010
EMPA#0028: Grannylicious, Queen of the Witches
Friday Apr 09, 2010
Friday Apr 09, 2010
In this episode of Eat My Pagan Ass podcast, Lucky's notoriously rambunctious grandmother, a.k.a. Grannylicious, has flown in from goddess knows where in order to appear on the podcast -- at 93 years old, this makes her the oldest living human being (at least we think she's human) to podcast. Carmen refuses to be in her presence, which is just as well -- Granny lobs some rather contentious accusations at Carmen, and makes some outrageous claims to fame, which Lucky finds hard to swallow, including everything from being the broom flying coach for the Harry Potter movies to going over Niagara Falls in a barrel while being a member of the Canadian mounted police. As whenever family comes to visit, a lot of shit from the past rises to the surface, and Lucky can barely handle it. Grannylicious makes a shocking revelation about her past that you'll never believe.
Featured artist: Dar Williams, "Christians and the Pagans"
Episode 28 recorded April 3, 2010, NYC
Email us with the stories of your crazy grandmother -- Lucky can't be the only one with a nutjob for an ancestor: eatmypaganass@gmail.com.Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992 |

Thursday Mar 25, 2010
EMPA#0027: For the Birds!
Thursday Mar 25, 2010
Thursday Mar 25, 2010
Podcasting from a trailer-park shack in the sky, Carmen and Lucky are on a gummy bear-induced sugar high, so their ADD is at its zenith. Editing has helped, but they're all over the map on this episode: obesity and thin obsession, Anna Wintour, Johnny Weir, tarot readings, listener emails, Carmen's birthday wishes, gummy bears as sex toys, 2010 Pisces Party shenanigans, did we mention Gummy Bears? Oh, and two very special announcements, including:- Wicca History Project: a new video series produced by EMPA Productions featuring Zan Fraser, author of A Briefe Historie of Wytches, now in filming and available soon on YouTube. Stay tuned!
- Grannylicious, Lucky's somewhat mentally loose 93 year old grandmother (and a fierce witch -- one of the originals) is coming to town and is demanding to be on the podcast -- so look out for her.
Episode 27 recorded March 6, 2010, New York City, NY. Released March 24, 2010.
Email us to tell us any damn thing you want. And if you’re Mexican we want to hear from you – Carmen’s got a very special prize offer for you: eatmypaganass@gmail.com. Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992 |

Friday Feb 26, 2010
EMPA#0026: Sacred Prostitution and Other Pagan Love Affairs
Friday Feb 26, 2010
Friday Feb 26, 2010
It's Carmen's birthday, bitches! So wish her a happy one by sending her an ecard at eatmypaganass@gmail.com. And since it's her birthday, here's some of her favorite eye candy:
In this episode we discuss novelas, Carmen's fireman fantasies, prostitution and erotic massage from a pagan perspective, war & pleasure, listener emails, @sstrology, self empowerment and responsible witchhood, The Wigglian Way podcast, books (a pagan love affair!) and community service.
Remember - this is a video enhanced podcast with chapters, so look for photos and links embedded in the podcast.
Here are some links mentioned in the episode:
The Wigglian Way podcast, episode 63: http://bit.ly/Wig-63
The Wigglian Way podcast, episode 64: http://bit.ly/Wig-64
Carmen's favorite tarot book by Marcia Masino: http://bit.ly/best-tarot
Email us with your take on pleasure cults, sexuality and prostitution. Also, does your coven do community service? Tell us about it -- what's the effect on the community, on the coven, and on your personal spiritual development? eatmypaganass@gmail.com.Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.comFollow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992 |

Tuesday Feb 16, 2010
EMPA#0025: Eat Your Heart Out! St. Valentine Was a Loon!
Tuesday Feb 16, 2010
Tuesday Feb 16, 2010
It's Valentine's Day, so Carmen and Lucky are waxing philosophical about the nuances of love, pagan handfastings, polyamory, gay bashing, and obsession. Is love just a mental disorder, a neurochemically induced fugue state of codependent lust? Or is it something more spiritual than that? We don't know, but we sure have fun trying to guess. Special contests announced in this episode. Psst, Carmen uses the "C" word in this episode!! OH, and it's her birthday on the 26th, so send her some e-love at eatmypaganass@gmail.com.
Email us your stories of love, gained or lost. Don't forget our contests this episode: (1) Send us your pagan joke ideas for the podcast intro, but remember the punchline has to be "eat my pagan ass!" and (2) send pictures of what you THINK Carmen looks like. eatmypaganass@gmail.com.Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992 |