
Saturday Dec 18, 2010
EMPA#0035-2: Glitterpussy, Pagan Music Artist, Part II
Saturday Dec 18, 2010
Saturday Dec 18, 2010
This episode is a follow-on to Eat My Pagan Ass episode 35, which featured an interview with pagan music artist and one of Lucky's best friends in the glamorverse, Glitterpussy. Tragically, Glitter (or Allyson, her given name), passed away unexpectedly on November 5, 2010. Episode 35 was aired as the August 2010 interview was intended, letting Glitter speak for herself in her own words, and including no mention of her passing. In this episode, we hear the tale of how Glitter and Lucky met in July 2002 at the Starwood Festival, an annual pagan gathering and celebration that was held at the Brushwood Folklore Center in Sherman, NY (now at Wisteria in Ohio). Be transported back across space and time to this pivotal moment when two stars collided and began a spiral dance in one of the world's most magical places. Lucky shares his feelings about losing a dear friend, and also delves into the uncomfortable subject of what happens when we pass over--not only for the soul in transition, but also for everyone else left behind. It's not all laughs in this episode, but Lucky does share some of the beautiful gifts of healing spirit Allyson/Glitterpussy gave to those around her. Through this podcast, you may be touched, too, by this very special, beautiful being whose laughter and love will be sorely missed but never forgotten.
Music in this episode includes:
- Drummers of Starwood 2009
- La Turbulente - Sonata 7 / Bellerofonte Castaldi
- La Turbulente - Sonate Duodecima. Sopra "La Bergamasca"/Salamone Rossi
- Shira Kammen - An Dro Nevez (www.magnatune.com)
- Shira Kammen - Round About Our Coal Fire (www.magnatune.com)
- Sinead O'Connor - I Am Stretched On Your Grave
- Seal - Don't Cry
Email us at eatmypaganass@gmail.com
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss
Friend us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/EatMyPaganAssPodcast

Sunday Oct 31, 2010
EMPA#0034: Samhain Stirs Up All Kinds of Demons (Like Grannylicious)
Sunday Oct 31, 2010
Sunday Oct 31, 2010
Carmen & Lucky welcome you to our 34th episode of Eat My Pagan Ass pagan podcast. This episode started off innocently enough -- responding to listener emails, talking about our days and our Samhain plans, and then POOF Grannylicious appears out of thin air and the shit hits the fan. The millennia-long feud between Carmen and Granny comes to a pivotal turning point, and worlds hang in the balance as these two ancient ladies level their wands at one another, and Lucky must use every last ounce of his political negotiation skills to keep them from pulling their hair triggers.
Featured artist: Mannheim Steamroller Special Guest: Grannylicious
Recorded October 26, 2010 Aired: October 31, 2010
Blessed Samhain!
Email: eatmypaganass@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/eatmypaganasspodcast Twitter: www.twitter.com/eatmypaganass

Tuesday Oct 12, 2010
EMPA#0033: It Gets Better (Don't Off Yourself!)
Tuesday Oct 12, 2010
Tuesday Oct 12, 2010
Season 3, Episode 2 (EMPA#0033): It Gets Better (Don't Off Yourself!) Recorded NYC, October 3, 2010 Carmen Kickass and Luckylicious proudly bring you the thirty-third installment of Eat My Pagan Ass. In this episode, we bring everyone up to speed on just where the heck we've been all summer long. Lucky's been on Fire Island, the notorious gay haven by the sea, communing with the elements and checking out all the delicious, roasting meat (see poem below). Carmen has been hopping the globe, stirring up trouble on both U.S. coasts and beyond. Both of us are asking "What the fuck is going on with all these gay suicides?" and you can bet we've got something to say about it. It's not all Sturm und Drang, however; we take a playful detour through the adventures of love (and how NOT to run away from the opportunity to love and be loved in return); we celebrate the official recognition of Druidry in the U.K. as a legitimate religion; we reply to some listener emails; we dish on J.K. Rowling's recent appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show; announce that the legendary Enchantments magical store in New York City is alive and well on the Lower East Side; ruminate on the coming Samhain season; explore Carmen's unnatural fascination with large zits (gag); mention Perdurabo, an updated biography on the man, the myth, the legend himself, Aleister Crowley ("Uncle Al"), written by Richard Kaczynski; and last but not least we hear a wonderful new song by Jeff Altergott called "It Gets Better" dedicated to all the GLBTQ youth out there struggling with daily harassment for being who they are.
Featured artist: Jeffrey Altergott And now for a poem: Fire Island September 18, 2010 by Lucky de las Brujas Roiling tides that presage the storms at sea, Half-naked (or fully bare) boys with tans Hurling themselves, laughing, carefree, Into the swelling waters, finding fun In daring Dame Nature herself. Thongs on feet that flip, now flop, Now left alone along dry, sometimes-splintered boardwalks, Abandoned by their owners, Who prefer to feel the fire of the sun In the hot sands baking—almost burning— Between their carefully manicured toes, Connecting body to beach, man to eternity. A timeless sounding as surf sinks into the porous shore, Ephemeral sea foam fizzing into nothingness. Dingbat birds with tiny bodies, long legs, and even longer beaks Chase after the receding, briny waters Wanting to taste the sweet, moist meat of a fat worm Buried below the thirsty sucking mud. Pardon our sound--Lucky forgot to bring the good audio recorder and so this one was made with an iPhone.
Email us to tell us any damn thing you want: eatmypaganass@gmail.com Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/eatmypaganasspodcast |

Saturday Jun 26, 2010
EMPA#0031: Lazy Summer, Lazy Pagans
Saturday Jun 26, 2010
Saturday Jun 26, 2010
Carmen Kickass and Luckylicious are back from their siesta with another episode of the most famous pagan podcast on the planet -- Eat My Pagan Ass! In this episode, we remember the amazing talents of the widely imitated Miss Cleo of Psychic Friends Network fame (don't worry, she's still alive, thank the Goddess!), discuss the power of intuition and its ability to protect us from dangerous situations, swap some pretty grody recipes, spiral off on yet another tangent about Carmen's frickin' birds, and respond to a TON of awesome listener emails (you guys ROCK!).
Thanks to our latest donors to the 666 Club -- Kate and The Highway Hermit. Also thanks to Brooke for sending us this awesome piece of artwork, which she calls "Holding Magick":
Happy Midsummer, bitches! Love, Carmen and Lucky...Email us to tell us any damn thing you want: eatmypaganass@gmail.com Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992 |

Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
EMPA#0029: Anger Management & Broom Closets
Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
Tuesday Apr 20, 2010
In this episode of Eat My Pagan Ass pagan podcast, Carmen Kickass lashes back at Grannylicious (aka Voldegranny), but short of starting a witch war proceeds with caution because she's truly scared of the evil that Granny can do (and has done), least of all the murder of Carmen's beloved parakeet Paco (R.I.P.)! Lucky doesn't want to get caught in the crossfire and changes the subject to more fun topics, like Sex and Beltane and Maypoles (ahem). But first -- the Vatican is at it again, deflecting responsibility for its sex abuse scandals by blaming homosexuality instead of its unnatural policy of priestly celibacy. Nice try, lump heads. Carmen and Lucky respond to TONS of listener emails about coming out of the broom closet, Project Pagan Enough, high priestesses who can't get over themselves, and more candle magic.
Featured Pagan Blog: Project Pagan Enough
Featured Musical Artist: Ocean Lab - Siren Song - I Am What I Am
Episode 29 recorded April 17, 2010, New York City
Email us with your Beltane stories and pictures: eatmypaganass@gmail.com. Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992 |