
Tuesday Feb 09, 2010
EMPA#0024: Go To Hell, Pat Robertson - or - Demonic Mnemonics
Tuesday Feb 09, 2010
Tuesday Feb 09, 2010
Carmen and Lucky invite a couple friends over for a coffee klatsch -- Delphi and The Superchungus riff with our cohosts about Secrets in paganism, NYC rituals, the Cult of Madonna, Death, dirty pagan asses, Radical Faerie Heart Circles, multiverses and time travel reverse Reiki healing, journeys to the Edge(s), weather magic, Haiti/Pat Robertson/Devil, and Luciferian witchcraft. Eavesdrop on this roaming conversation with four NYC (well, three NYC and now one Hawaiian) witches. Anything goes on this episode of Eat My Pagan Ass.
Join the Cult of Madonna!
Special Guests: Delphi and The Superchungus
Music credits: "Wondring Aloud" by Jethro Tull; "What's the Buzz" from Jesus Christ Superstar soundtrack; "Death on Two Legs" by Queen; "Jets" from West Side Story; "Sh'Boom (Life Could Be A Dream)" by The Crew Cuts
Email us if you dig Luciferian witchcraft. Just what the hell is it really all about? And is Madonna really the devil? Or is she a path to freedom from the chains of spiritual bondage? Send us your Pat Robertson hate mail. eatmypaganass@gmail.com.Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.comFollow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992 |

Tuesday Jan 12, 2010
EMPA#0023: The Art of Blasphemy, Taken to a New Low
Tuesday Jan 12, 2010
Tuesday Jan 12, 2010
The Catholic lawmakers in Ireland have made blasphemy illegal. Well, Carmen and Lucky say, "blaspheme THIS, you Leprechaun-lovin', Guinness swiggin, wafer-eatin' embarrassments to your Celtic ancestors!" This episode is chock-full of offensive swill, sure enough to piss off any uptight religio-twats. Bring your sense of humor...otherwise, you're in for one HELL of a ride! Tarot and rune divination, a prosperity spell, listener email, and more in this episode. Featured pagan artist: Gaia Resurrect. Featured pagan podcast/blog: Inciting a Riot, with Fire Lyte. Feature pagan store: Magickal Realms & Pagan Center of New York.
Email us with your most blasphemous thoughts, artwork, songs, everything! We want to see it all! If you're new to the show, introduce yourself. We'd love to give you a shout-out on a future episode of Eat My Pagan Ass. eatmypaganass@gmail.com.Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://podcast.eatmypaganass.com. Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss. Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992. |

Thursday Dec 31, 2009
EMPA#0022: 2010 Predictions: Pope in a Poke & the Downfall of the Vatican
Thursday Dec 31, 2009
Thursday Dec 31, 2009
Happy New Year, pagany friends! It's 2010, and not much has changed! It's politics (of fear) as usual, the Jihad is still on (what are YOU wearing under there?), and we're questioning whether this new Pope has been testicle-checked. Carmen decides to launch a Pentacade (rather than Crusade, get it?) and lunges at the Pope during Christmas mass. Lucky calls for a storming of the Vatican archives to reclaim pagan treasures. And we propose new tactics for preventing future underwear bomb attacks. Let's just say it's another "smooth move" from New York City's craziest pagans.
Email us with your New Year resolutions, and let us know: if you could join our Pentacade and storm the Vatican to reclaim pagan treasures of yore, what would you hope to find? eatmypaganass@gmail.com. Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://podcast.eatmypaganass.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992 Join our Livejournal Community: http://eatmypaganass.livejournal.com |

Monday Dec 21, 2009
EMPA#0021: Happy Yule, and GO SEE AVATAR!!
Monday Dec 21, 2009
Monday Dec 21, 2009
Carmen & Lucky are back from another cracked NYC adventure -- this time, they encounter a crew of blue-painted Avatar wannabes at the movie theater. Truly sad... But the movie Avatar is absolutely amazing and YOU MUST GO SEE IT! Practically a religious experience for pagans.
Oh, and we talk about Yule Yule Yule, and all the crazy things people do (or neglect to do) during this most delicious and festive time of the year. And watch out for the crazy Yule Goat of Finland! Have a blessed Yule!!Email us with your Yuletide wishes. How do you like to honor the return of the sun. What are your favorite holiday songs? Foods? Let us know: eatmypaganass@gmail.com. Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://podcast.eatmypaganass.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992 Join our Livejournal Community: http://eatmypaganass.livejournal.com |

Tuesday Dec 15, 2009
EMPA#0020: Eat My Pagan TURKEY Ass
Tuesday Dec 15, 2009
Tuesday Dec 15, 2009
Email us with your favorite recipes for TURKEY ASS or any non-conventional food that you prepare in a pagan way. What's your must-bring dish that you take to every party and why? What are you grateful for, and how do you express that gratitude? If you're new to the show, introduce yourself. We'd love to give you a shout-out on a future episode of Eat My Pagan Ass. eatmypaganass@gmail.com. Go to our podcast blog to post a comment, share your thoughts, and divulge your deepest secrets in an unabashedly public forum: http://eatmypaganass.podbean.com Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EatMyPaganAss Be our fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eat-My-Pagan-ss/172344217992 Join our Livejournal Community: http://eatmypaganass.livejournal.com |